Tác phẩm Rừng Tràm Trà Sư (Tra Su Mangrove Forest)

Tác giả: Catalin Chitu - Ngày tham dự: 10/07/2023

ID bài dự thi: 4154

Link tác phẩm dự thi: https://happy.vietnam.vn/binh-chon-video/?cid=193&cac=submission&ctx=page&cm=0&sid=4154

Tiêu đề: Rừng Tràm Trà Sư (Tra Su Mangrove Forest)

Lời giới thiệu: Tra Su forest is also known as Tra Su Mangrove Forest, Tra Su Flooded Forest, Tra Su Bird Sanctuary or Tra Su Melaleuca Forest. Tra Su Melaleuca forest is located in the west of Hậu River, Văn Giáo commune, Tịnh Biên district, An Giang province. Before 1975, Tra Su forest was destroyed by the American’s bombs and became an uncultivated area heavily contaminated with alum and considered a dead land. After the war, authorities of An Giang made the plan for reforestation of cajuput and built a 12km long, 4m wide and 4m high dike system. The dike system helps prevent the area from being flooded during the rainy season. The forest has been designated as a special restoration zone since 1983, with the target of becoming a renowned scientific forest and nature reserve. With an area of 850 ha, Tra Su is the green pearl of Mekong Delta that offers a unique beauty of wetland, emerald-green duckweed carpet and cajuput forest. The forest is divided into several sites that include a 3000m2 fishing area, a 3200m2 bird sanctuary and a 2500m2 bat sanctuary. Based on the latest research of An Giang University, Tra Su Cajuput Forest is home to 70 species of birds, 22 species of reptiles, 11 species of mammals, 23 species of aquatic animals. Tra Su Melaleuca forest is home to 140 different plants, including nearly 80 medicinal species.