Tác phẩm Ho Chi Minh City At Night

Tác giả: Catalin Chitu - Ngày tham dự: 29/06/2023

ID bài dự thi: 1831

Link tác phẩm dự thi: https://happy.vietnam.vn/binh-chon-video/?cid=193&cac=submission&ctx=page&cm=0&sid=1831

Tiêu đề: Ho Chi Minh City At Night

Lời giới thiệu: Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city in Vietnam and covers about 2,061 square kilometres. Ho Chi Minh City has gone by several different names during its history: - Prey Nokor during Khmer Empire; - Gia Dinh during Vietnamese control; - Sài Gòn (Saïgon) after French conquest in the 1860s; - Ho Chi Minh City after reunification in 1976 to honor Ho Chi Minh;