Tác phẩm Can Gio Mangrove Forest

Tác giả: Catalin Chitu - Ngày tham dự: 10/07/2023

ID bài dự thi: 4156

Link tác phẩm dự thi: https://happy.vietnam.vn/binh-chon-video/?cid=193&cac=submission&ctx=page&cm=0&sid=4156

Tiêu đề: Can Gio Mangrove Forest

Lời giới thiệu: Cần Giờ Mangrove Forest is a wetland located 40 km southeast of Ho Chi Minh City. The forest's area is 75,740 ha (757.4 km2), with over 150 botanical species. The main economic activities are agriculture, aquaculture, fishing, salt-pan, trading and tourism. A network of waterways and channels flow through the biosphere reserve. About 57% of the mangrove forests were wiped out by millions of litres of chemical agents sprayed by the U.S Air Force from 1964–1970. In 1978, the government of Vietnam decreed an urgent action to restore the Can Gio Mangrove Forest and 20 years later around 3,000 ha of mangrove forest were rehabilitated. In 1991, Can Gio became a coastal protection forest and “turned into one of the most beautiful and extensive sites of rehabilitated mangroves in the world”, according to the ISME report. In 2000, the Can Gio was designated as the first Mangrove Biosphere Reserve in Vietnam by UNESCO. Today the mangrove forests of Can Gio are full of wildlife such as monkeys, snakes, wild boars, mollusc, crustacean, fish, crocodiles and various birds. The mangrove forest of Can Gio provides protection against coastal erosion, oil spills, storms and has been described as the "green lungs" of Ho Chi Minh City.