Tác phẩm Hang Mo So – Part 1

- Tác giả: Catalin Chitu - Ngày tham dự: 05/07/2023

- Mã bài dự thi: 3117

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- Tác phẩm: Hang Mo So - Part 1

Lời giới thiệu: Hang Mo So ("mo so" means "white stone"). The cave is located 27Km from Ha Tien, in Bình An commune, Kiên Lương district, Kiên Giang Province. The cave was used during the resistance war against France (1945 - 1954) and the war against the USA (1954 - 1975), as a military station and hospital. Based on geological researchers, the cave was formed by erosion millions of years ago when the area was more than 2m below sea level. There is a small stream in the cave and some sections with deep water. As you enter the cave, you can hear the buzzing of the bats on the ceiling of the cave.