Tác phẩm Rice Straw


- Tác giả: Catalin Chitu

- Ngày tham dự: 06/08/2024

- Mã bài dự thi: 591451

- Link tác phẩm dự thi: https://happy.vietnam.vn/contest/image-2024/submission/591451

- Tác phẩm: "Rice Straw" - Chụp tại: Kiên Giang - Đơn vị: Cá nhân

Lời giới thiệu: Vietnam is a major rice producer, and the Mekong Delta is especially productive. Here, around 24 million tons of rice are harvested annually, generating a staggering 26-27 million tons of straw. Unfortunately, only a small portion (20-30%) of this straw is used for purposes like cultivating mushrooms, feeding animals, or making organic fertilizer. For the last few years the government is exploring ways to convert rice straw into a valuable resource rather than a source of pollution.

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