Tác phẩm Dinh Yen Mat Craft Village


- Tác giả: Catalin Chitu

- Ngày tham dự: 30/07/2024

- Mã bài dự thi: 590854

- Link tác phẩm dự thi: https://happy.vietnam.vn/contest/image-2024/submission/590854

- Tác phẩm: "Dinh Yen Mat Craft Village" - Chụp tại: Đồng Tháp - Đơn vị: Cá nhân

Lời giới thiệu: Định Yên Mat Craft Village, nestled along the banks of the Hau River in Lấp Vò District, Dong Thap Province, is renowned for its centuries-old mat-making tradition. The art of mat weaving emerged in Định Yên during the 1920s. Local artisans skillfully transform the abundant sedge into colorful, durable mats. The intricate process involves sun-drying the sedge, dyeing it with natural colors, and then meticulously weaving the fibers into beautiful patterns. Beyond their practical use as floor coverings and bedding, Định Yên mats hold significant cultural value. They are integral to daily life, religious ceremonies, and festive occasions. Recognizing its cultural importance, the Vietnamese government honored the village's mat craft as an intangible national heritage in 2013.

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