Tác phẩm Định Yên Craft Village


- Tác giả: Catalin Chitu

- Ngày tham dự: 26/07/2024

- Mã bài dự thi: 590315

- Link tác phẩm dự thi: https://happy.vietnam.vn/contest/image-2024/submission/590315

- Tác phẩm: "Định Yên Craft Village" - Chụp tại: Đồng Tháp - Đơn vị: Cá nhân

Lời giới thiệu: Mat weaving emerged as a profession in Định Yên village in the 1920s. The mats are made from sedge that grows along the river. The sedge fibers are adequately sun-dried before painting them with various colours like red, green, yellow, white and purple in boiling water. After painting will follow another session of sun-drying before weaving. The mats are used to sleep, sit on in homes or outside but also in religious ceremonies, sacred places or festivals. The village mat craft was recognised as an intangible national heritage in 2013.

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