Tác phẩm Mekong Delta’s Harvest Season


- Tác giả: Catalin Chitu

- Ngày tham dự: 26/07/2024

- Mã bài dự thi: 590297

- Link tác phẩm dự thi: https://happy.vietnam.vn/contest/image-2024/submission/590297

- Tác phẩm: "Mekong Delta's Harvest Season" - Chụp tại: Kiên Giang - Đơn vị: Cá nhân

Lời giới thiệu: The Mekong Delta's harvest season transforms the canals into a vibrant spectacle. Gliding along the waterways are boats overflowing with rice. This golden cargo is destined for mills for processing and export. Meanwhile, royal poinciana trees lining the canals burst into a fiery red bloom (between May and July), creating a visually stunning display.

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