Tác phẩm Tam Kỳ

- Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Thương - Ngày tham dự: 11/10/2023

- Mã bài dự thi: 23462

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- Tác phẩm: Tam Kỳ

Lời giới thiệu: For most tourists Tam Kỳ is planned as a half-day or maybe a full-day visit. Not for me. I was attracted by the amazing beach, so much so that I spent several weeks there between May and July 2023. I stayed at a homestay directly on the beach, which made it possible to go and take photos quite early in the morning. Maybe it will sound rather pretentious, but I take the risk and admit that this photo (TK 1) reminds me of this famous painting of Claude Monet: Impression, Sunrise. As a new day dawns, the fishing boats can rest (TK 2). I came to Tam Kỳ not only for the beach. I also wanted to visit the famous fish market. I did it on another day early in the morning. I really tried to get up as early as possible, but when I got there the fish market was already in full swing (TK 3). The Abundance is overwhelming (TK 4). And Still more is coming (TK 5 & 6). My well-deserved breakfast on the beach. Breakfast is served, as fresh as it ever can be. I can see the fishing boats which deliver the fish directly from the sea to my table. The magnificent view is on the house (TK 7). This is the sellers’ market. If you are vigilant and open-eyed, you can get the best stuff for the best price. If not, you can buy something good for a good price (TK 8). I actually bought one of these. It was still dark at that time, so I needed a lighter to see what I chose. It was super delicious (TK 9). Back to the beach some other day in the morning (TK 10),and in the afternoon (TK 11). Time will wash away my footprints, but I will never forget this lovely place (TK 12).